Looking for work after school or college, trying to get back on your feet following redundancy, searching for a new job or even changing career direction is not easy in this tough economic climate.
But never fear, because I have written a book which can help.
Called ‘Applying for a job – the essential guide’, it’s a straightforward guide with lots of practical advice about how to stand out from the crowd when it comes to finding a job. In it, I explain the entire job-search process from start to finish, from where to hunt for vacancies, to writing application forms, going for interview, and what to do once you are offered (or not offered) a position.
I’ve also contributed to publications including the Times Educational Supplement and the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s E&T magazine on career and job-related topics, so if you’re an editor looking for bespoke content or comment on anything to do with job hunting and the world of work then I’d love to hear from you.